Who says that romance is dead? Watch this young man waiting for a special gal and what happens to him while waiting for her is quite interesting.
This video was shot at a bus station in Lima Peru, so obviously it’s in Spanish. You may not be able to understand what everyone is saying in the video, but you’ll figure it out by what’s going on.
The young man in the video is seen waiting for a girl with flowers and a giant teddy bear outside a bus station. People start to gather around him because they want to see what’s going to happen and who the lucky lady is.
As time passes, the crowd grows and grows. People have been waiting around for over 90 minutes to see what unfolds. Soon people are noticing that the girl never shows up. To make matters worse, people start making fun of him and one couple is seen making out in front of him.
At the very end of the video, the young lover is seen trying to leave the scene. People are still making fun of him as he grabs a cab and takes his pride, the teddy bear and flowers home with him.
Now this poor guy has had his heartbroken and people all over the world have seen it.